Dr. Paul M. Seversky

Mr. Doug A. Exley

Mr. Sam A. Shevat

The SES Study Team focuses its work on customized studies that deal with identifying opportunities to provide quality educational programs more effectively and in a cost-effective manner. The major areas of the Team's services are: school reorganization through centralization/annexation analyses; identification and analysis of collaborative functional sharing opportunities between school districts; and program delivery reconfiguration opportunities within a school district.

The SES Study Team, in an impartial manner, provides research, direction and facilitation through a guided process. The study process emphasizes a data-driven analysis and community involvement to identify possible options to serve pupils in the future.

The common elements followed by the Team to achieve customized studies include:

  • A focus on answering a set of questions by school district and community stakeholders;
  • Inclusion of, and sensitivity to, all points of view from the communities involved;
  • An approach that begins with the collection of data, a review of major findings, sharing of perceptions, recommendations based upon challenges and opportunities, and the modeling of potential options;
  • The central role of school district instructional, instructional support, and administrative staff in providing comprehensive data for the study to use to answer the study question(s) posed by the client district(s);
  • Public transparency of the work and data developed, compiled, and analyzed by the Study Team;
  • The creation of a study report that becomes the prime useable tool by members of the communities as they decide how best to educate their children in the future.

The Study Team members combined bring over 110 years of public education experience to work with and helping school districts identify options in serving pupils and their communities. Each team member has served as a teacher, principal and superintendent of a K-12 school district. Doug and Sam each has served as a superintendent of a reorganized district through centralization. Paul has served as a superintendent of a district that explored reorganization and in a regional capacity as a Deputy District Superintendent of a BOCES. Sam has worked for a college to administer programs for public school pupils; Paul has taught graduate level courses in educational administration for 23 years; and Doug serves as a council member at a local university. The Study Team Members have provided consultant services to public school districts since 1998.

Contact the SES Study Team to discuss your school district's specific study project:

E-Mail addresses for the Study Team

Paul.Seversky at ses-studyteam dot org
Doug.Exley at ses-studyteam dot org
Sam.Shevat at ses-studyteam dot org
The mailing address for the Study Team

SES Study Team
c/o 3487 Nelson Place East
Canastota, New York 13032